Fill in this form and get notified by email when the next course enrolment opens! Name Email address Which course enrolment dates do you want to be informed of? Group course "French For Your Life In France – 1": to start French from scratch Group course "French For Your Life In France – 2": for A1 level, aiming at A2 level Group course "French For Your Life In France – 3": for A2 level, aiming at B1 level Group conversation classes: from level A2+ upwards Group improvisation classes: from level A2+ upwards When are you available to attend the classes? Do you want to subscribe La Cédille newsletter? (new posts, videos, courses, etc.) You can unsuscribe at any time. Yes I suscribe the newsletter. Your data will not be shared and will be stocked in a safe way (see Terms and Conditions of use) Send Δ