??️ A radio series and comic strips to learn French: Les voisins du 12 bis

Les voisins du 12 bis is a radio series in 13 episodes, also adapted as 13 comic strips, to learn everyday French at A1+/A2 level, through a fictional story: Billie, newly arrived to France, and her new neighbours. Excellent material to learn by yourself. Let me introduce it and tell you how to use it.

Read more??️ A radio series and comic strips to learn French: Les voisins du 12 bis

? Videos with subtitles to listen to real French

When you learn a language, you want to learn useful and interesting things. You also want to to highly expose to the language in order to learn and understand.
To train your French listening, learn new words, in tune with your interests, I have made a list of more than 120 French-speaking channels or programmes on the Internet, with or without subtitles, sorted by topic. ?

Read more? Videos with subtitles to listen to real French

Understand a rental ad in French in 10 questions

Voici une nouvelle vidéo de La Cédille (!) dans laquelle je vous propose de comprendre une vraie annonce de logement.

Pour comprendre cette annonce, je vous pose 10 questions. Vous devrez cliquer sur “pause” pour chercher la réponse. Pour chaque question, je donne la réponse et des explications.
Vous allez très probablement apprendre du vocabulaire utile à la recherche de logement, et vous allez apprendre, en partie, comment fonctionne la location de logement en France.
J’espère avoir le temps de compléter ces informations avec une 2ème vidéo!
Bon visionnage !

Read moreUnderstand a rental ad in French in 10 questions

Spoken French pronunciation – How to understand the French? How to sound French?

The basics (part 1) What happens to “ne”, “je”, “tu” and “il y a” when the French speak. Here is a video to introduce what “spoken French” refers to, and some basics about spoken French pronunciation. You can download the explanations in a PDF right below the video. Download the PDF(click here) To be continued…